In this age of social media network marketing, it’s so easy to get bombarded with distractions it’s not funny. The average person on the internet has the attention span of 3 year old that just drank a can of red bull.
If you’re having difficulty staying on track then here is a tip you can use to get clear on what you need to do every day.
Everyone in social networking has friends, get with a friend and keep each other accountable on the activities to make sales. These are the most important income producing activities. This can be someone in your MLM business, upline or downline.
Here are 3 great things you can do to produce income as a network marketer or social media marketer.
1. Engage in activities that build your image and make you look like a rock star online. Love everyone you see and your loving energy will attract people that do the same, and who’s energy matches yours.
These activities include adding friends and giving positive comments to people about their content. The top 3 sites are Myspace, You Tube and Facebook. I also make twittering and Blog Catalog top priorities for social networking.
You’ll have to decide what activities produce the best results for you by tracking and testing. These methods are tested and proven by some of the best marketers in the business over at My Private Classroom.
Please contact me if you’re interested in learning more about my private classroom for marketers.
2. Network marketing prospecting and followup. Thousands of dollars have been lost because of poor followup. If you have people you have been working closely with, be sure to check in with them often and offer help.
Give your best to the people who’s efforts directly effect your income production.
3. Work on yourself and your own personal development every day.
I love the 10/10 visualization exercise my business partner Barbie Figueroa told me about. This is where you write down the 10 things you are grateful for and 10 things you are attracting. As you are doing this, really get into the feelings surrounding whatever you are grateful for and want to be, do, or have.
Meditation for 15 to 20 minutes a day can really boost your brain power. You’ll get more done in less time and require less sleep at night. You will also have more energy and more restful sleep.
Ask Russell Simmons => The Billionaire if meditation works.
Do these things every day and share your activities with your accountability partner. If you stick to this plan for 90 days you’ll amazed how much your business will grow.
This advice for your social media network marketing strategies are about as useful as a melted pudding pop if you don’t take action, so get to it. Get a running buddy right now and watch your business take off.
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